Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sorry I forgot about you.. but don't you forget about me!

I definitely owe anyone who actually reads this an apology!!!!

This task has been much harder to pursue than I first imagined. I mean I watch movies all the time, but I have now realized that I never finish movies I watch, or I break them into pieces throughout the week. Also, I don't own many of the movies on this list, and I have little time to go out and buy them or find them online.

Wait.... I don't watch things online. I'm not a pirate. Seriously, what do you people think of me?!

Anywho, these past few weeks have filled my time with brutal school work deadlines, tests and finally spring break. I won't bore you with the wonders of LA and Vegas, because that's not what this is about. I did get to watch one of the movies on the list FINALLY!

I watched The Breakfast Club.

Yes, this is another movie I have seen before. Many, MAny, MANY times before. However, I was on a road trip and this was the only movie that qualified on my Ipod. And let's face it, what's so bad about watching The Breakfast Club for the millionth time? NOTHING!

This is one of my top 2 favorite movies of all time, that I have seen so far anyways. My other favorite is Almost Famous, which, I'm sad to say, did not make the list. I will watch it though. Mark my words.

Anyways, back to the movie at hand. I love The Breakfast Club because it is one of those movies that I can watch over and over and always get something new out of it. As I grow older and the experiences in my life change, I find some new meaning or appreciation for the characters. I identify with a different one almost every time I watch.

I know the movie is the cheesy classic lesson of people of different character, social background, lifestyles etc coming together and realizing they really aren't as different as they seem. However, it's told in such a raw and amazing way, through the eyes of teenagers.

Although, let's face it, these people were definitely not teenagers when they played these roles. Pretty sure the only one I believed to be the right age was Anthony Michael Hall, and that's just because he was tiny. Like stick thin and nerd tiny.

The character I identify with the most in the stage of life I'm in now, is Molly Ringwald's, Claire. Not because I'm popular, and I never was, believe me. Not because I'm struggling with sex issues, although who doesn't struggle with that. I connect with that character because of her honesty. Yes, she's spoiled and conceited and immature. But she says what she thinks. She doesn't censor herself just to spare the feelings of others. She puts the truth, or at least her belief of what the truth is, out there without fear. She gets completely flooded with consequences, but yet she still tells it like it is.

If you know me at all, you know I am this person. I'm called a bitch quite often because of the way I speak. And I'll admit, I can sometimes deserve it. But I don't see the point in sugar coating the truth or my thoughts. It doesn't do me any good and I believe it doesn't do others any good.

In high school, I felt like a mixture between Brian, Hall's character, and Andrew, Emilio Estevez.

Side note: I cannot see Emilio Estevez in anything without hearing quacking. Mighty Ducks has ruined him for me.

Back to the point. Andrew and Brian both faced the same basic problem, living up to the ideals and goals of their parents. This is another shining example of different characters connecting through the same basic troubles. These characters have polar opposite lifestyles. "Sporto" is popular, social and athletic. Brian is smart/nerdy, "demented and sad, but social" and on a lower social rung. However, they both crave success in their respective skills, due to the insistence and expectations from their parents.

Andrew needs to stay the Alpha dog and succeed in wrestling to stay in the high graces of his father, and in attempting to do just that, he assaults another student and ends up in detention. Brian needs to stay on top of his academic game, even in shop, and fails. This makes him so depressed he brings a gun, well a flare gun, to school and ends up in detention. Different paths, same destination.

I don't think I've met a single person who hasn't, at some point in their life, felt inferior and desperate to succeed. Correct me if I'm wrong though!!

The two other characters, Bender and Allison, are two of a kind as well, in my opinion. I also relate to them, though more in flashes of rebellion and depression that enter and exit my life. I find them the same person, like Andrew and Brian, in different circumstances. Each in a stage of rebellion against the cards they were dealt. Bender, by acting out loudly and sometimes violently and Allison by lying and closing off to the world.

Bender is the character I have heard most complaints about being unrealistic. I don't understand it. This is a kid that EVERY person has met in high school. Off the beaten path, into the wrong extra curricular activities and colorful, both verbally and actively.

I may just speak for myself, but in high school I heard, and many times used, the same kind of language as him. Parents, don't be naive. Your children are not the purest animals on the face of the earth. A foul word or two will slip past their lips in high school, perhaps, even sooner. The follies of watching them grow up, I suppose.

A final character summary is for Principal Vernon. Let me just say, his character leaves me laughing every time. Such a sad man and so desperate for power that he will never achieve. He's not all the deep as a character but he provides a much needed adult nemesis for the teenagers.

I think one of the best things about this movie is how relatable it is. It's quite predictable. Each character has a problem at home, in school or in their social life that every other person has. There are no truths revealed that are all that surprising, yet it's still an incredible story. A refreshing take on the connectivity of people. The feeling that it evokes from the viewer, that thought of "this could be me" is what makes it such a good film. The performances are solid and truthful and completely believable. The writing is quick and raw and uncensored. And the simplicity of the location and lack of scene changes, makes what the characters say that much more important and central to the story.

Personally, I think anyone who doesn't see themselves somewhere in this movie is in denial about who they are. There is no possible way you can watch this and not think of yourself as a "Brain", "Athlete", "Basket Case", " Princess" or "Criminal."

It's late. I should get some sleep. I really will try my best to make time to watch more movies and write more entries. Not that lives hinge on the publishing of this blog, but I will do much better in the future for sure.

Thanks again for reading!


Friday, February 25, 2011

Settling for American Beauty

I have chosen. The first movie I will watch is America Beauty. This isn't alphabetical, just seems to be the mood I'm in, and though I've seen this movie before, I haven't truly observed it. I've watched for pure entertainment values and based on word of mouth reviews. Now I'm going to try to analyze it and decide if I actually love the movie or just thought I did due to other people's perceptions of it.

Previously, my friends had told me to watch this movie because of its strange view on American life and the Oscar nominations it earn, rightfully so. However, as I blog, I will try to understand what really makes the movie work and why it maintains such a positive review in American culture.

Wow I made myself sound super smart and important there, didn't I?

The introduction to Burnham family is typical. Average three person nuclear family, portraying outwardly a normal existence, but underneath they truly can't find happiness and are drowning in their mediocre cycle of life.

Kevin Spacey is spectacular. Just the way he shows his pure resistance to the repetition in his character's life is amazing. At work, he is a robot, smile glued to his face and obviously fake in his happiness to be there. However, the viewer can see the cracks begin to form when they tell him to summarize his job. Veiled threats, loud verbal outbreaks or rage. Amazing.

Annette Bening matches him completely, if not surpasses him. How many people in the world haven't repeated, out loud, a mantra while doing their job, taking a test, going on a date or any other seemingly important event during their day. I know I have. "I will sell this house today. I will sell this house today!" Her desperation to succeed in something and feel like someone is kind of depressing. Which I think is the point.

I think Thora Birch is great. I loved her in Hocus Pocus (hehe). In the beginning of the movie, I just don't understand her. Maybe that's the point. She's completely vanilla, totally disconnected.
Side note: Can I just say that I'm glad I wasn't in dance team in high school. Oh the horrors of 90's dance moves. THE ROBOT!

Anyways, I think it's kind of pathetic that Lester, Spacey, becomes infatuated with a teenager. Kind of displays to utter lack of hope his life holds. But it makes sense. I'm not stupid, regardless of age, men see an attractive woman, or girl, and their mind flashes to sex or in Lester's case, rose petals. Nice touch by the way. Roses, normal a symbol for love and devotion become a symbol for lust and obsession.

What's more pathetic than Lester's obsession is Angela, Mena Suvari (an actress who I think is WAY over-hyped as sexy. I do not agree at all), and her love of the attention. I get it. Classic over confident girl with a true core of self-loathing and fear. Blah blah blah. Most unlikable, vapid character in the film. I'm so glad people want to sleep with me, that means I can be a model. Tyra Banks would not agree Angela.

Then again. Much of this movie follows the desire to be wanted. Or the desire to have something more and break free of what we've settled for.

-Lester desires to be free of his "commercial" like life in which his wife and daughter hate him. He wants to be wanted again by a person of the opposite sex, almost settling for desperate for attention and love teenager. Eventually he breaks free and revels in his newly found happiness and freedom from mediocrity.
-Carolyn, Bening, strives for excellence and perfection in her job and life. Ironic that she finds this by having an affair with her competition, Peter Gallagher, but hey, to each her own. Though she's stayed in her boring life, she's desperate to stay strong and find the best out of her situation.
-Jane, Birch, is actually a normal teenager who just wants to escape her parents. Anyone can relate to that. Sorry Mom and Dad, I love you both, but you and I both know that I couldn't wait to escape haha. She finds this possibility in Ricky, Wes Bentley, who may seem strange and misguided, but given his home life, is relatively normal.

The entire film is about breaking free from settling. Striving for goals and happiness not based on success but based on pure bliss, no matter where it's found. Each character in this movie is struggling for that. In my opinion, this makes no character in this movie a bad person. Even the Nazi. They're all simply reacting to the environment they were forced to exist in. Nature vs. Nurture and all that.

That is why I love this movie. It's hilarious because of how outrageous it can seem at times. Video-taping a bag for happiness? wow. But it's completely tragic because each person who watches it has been there before. How many of us haven't seen the easy option and settled because it seemed the quickest way to get money or fame or whatever. How many people have been stuck in an unhappy situation simply because they were too afraid to stand up for themselves or attempt what would truly make them happy. I've been there.

Ok, I think that's all I have for this. Feel free to share your response to the movie. Or to my response :)


Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Hey guys,

So I have something important and rather relevant to say in this entry. My name is Meredith, and I have a problem. Though the name of this blog is Movie Addicts Anonymous, and I do truly have an addiction to movies, this problem does not revolve around that. This problem is much deeper and more serious. I'm addicted to television. And books. And the entertainment industry in general. Because of this, I have already, after only one post, fallen behind my promise to watch these movies and blog about them. And for that I apologize :)

Truly, I have thought about the first movie to watch on this list, and that's a big decision. I want it to be the right one! I want it to mean something! And I want it to be something that I know I will like so my first review/reaction isn't a negative one. There have been names bumped around, Dances with Wolves, Bladerunner, Shawshank Redemption, but nothing has truly made me think, this is the first one!

So instead, I've gotten distracted by new books, sent thankfully by my mother (although I'll admit, I stole some when I was home this past weekend :)) and television. You may think I mean just day to day syndication that I catch on random channels when I'm taking a break from class or winding down from a day at work, but no. These shows are hand-picked and new episodes.

Let me tell you what I mean. Each day, with the exception of Saturdays, I almost always have some new installment of a show that I keep up with. There is a LONG list, and it will only get longer with each new pilot season. Some drop off my radar after a few episodes, The Cape, but most, regardless of their award winning material or lack of, keep my attention till the bitter end!

To give a full understanding of how I have been spending my time, here is a round-up of the shows I watch and catch-up on throughout the weekly cycle:

Monday - House, How I Met Your Mother, Gossip Girl (don't judge), 90210 (ditto), Castle, Pretty Little Liars and Greek

Tuesday - One Tree Hill, Glee, Hellcats and Parenthood

Wednesday - America's Next Top Model and Off the Map

Thursday - Bones, Nikita, Vampire Diaries, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice and Fairly Legal

Friday - Supernatural, Smallvile and Fringe

Sunday - Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters

Yes. I know the many intricate plot lines of every soap opera, reality show, drama and comedy on that list. I also have summer off season shows that come into play at some point and shows that are off the air, including Friday Night Lights, that I own on dvd and watch in its entirety on occasion when I get bored. This is a problem.

But it is one that I am not willing to change. I love every show that I watch. I hold no shame in any choice I make because each show has it's own charm or entertainment value whether it's an inspiring show about family or dirty trash.

Now that you know my problem, I hope you understand and will accept the rate at which I watch these movies. I will definitely do my best. I will never stop because I truly want to finish this list and become, what I believe, is a true movie master. Trust me followers, what few there are haha

Now I must go, I have 40 minutes until my next class starts and that's just enough time to watch the new Glee from last night.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Hey guys!

My name is Meredith and I'm creating this blog not only as an outlet for myself but also as an outlet to share a project that I'm about to work on.

The movie Julie and Julia inspired me to create a blog about my experience watching movies. That sounds boring, I know this, but I'm not selecting random movies. THERE IS A METHOD TO MY MADNESS!! I am watching movies from a specific book. That book is 1001 Movies to See Before You Die by Steven Jay Schneider.

I got this book from by parents for Christmas (not a bad cover choice huh?) and while I assumed it would sit on my coffee table at school, I decided to actually make it more active. So starting now, I am going to pick movies, even ones I've seen before, and watch them until I've seen every movie in this book. This edition was published in 2008, so my list is not as current as a newer edition probably including Avatar, but I will take any suggestions to watch under consideration!!

Here's a link to the list that's in the book, if you want to pick your favorites or follow along or whatever!

That's all for now. I will begin posting about movies as soon as I finish my first choice! There will be no year of release or alphabetical order, so prepare for some interesting jumps in time and genre.
