Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Hey guys,

So I have something important and rather relevant to say in this entry. My name is Meredith, and I have a problem. Though the name of this blog is Movie Addicts Anonymous, and I do truly have an addiction to movies, this problem does not revolve around that. This problem is much deeper and more serious. I'm addicted to television. And books. And the entertainment industry in general. Because of this, I have already, after only one post, fallen behind my promise to watch these movies and blog about them. And for that I apologize :)

Truly, I have thought about the first movie to watch on this list, and that's a big decision. I want it to be the right one! I want it to mean something! And I want it to be something that I know I will like so my first review/reaction isn't a negative one. There have been names bumped around, Dances with Wolves, Bladerunner, Shawshank Redemption, but nothing has truly made me think, this is the first one!

So instead, I've gotten distracted by new books, sent thankfully by my mother (although I'll admit, I stole some when I was home this past weekend :)) and television. You may think I mean just day to day syndication that I catch on random channels when I'm taking a break from class or winding down from a day at work, but no. These shows are hand-picked and new episodes.

Let me tell you what I mean. Each day, with the exception of Saturdays, I almost always have some new installment of a show that I keep up with. There is a LONG list, and it will only get longer with each new pilot season. Some drop off my radar after a few episodes, The Cape, but most, regardless of their award winning material or lack of, keep my attention till the bitter end!

To give a full understanding of how I have been spending my time, here is a round-up of the shows I watch and catch-up on throughout the weekly cycle:

Monday - House, How I Met Your Mother, Gossip Girl (don't judge), 90210 (ditto), Castle, Pretty Little Liars and Greek

Tuesday - One Tree Hill, Glee, Hellcats and Parenthood

Wednesday - America's Next Top Model and Off the Map

Thursday - Bones, Nikita, Vampire Diaries, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice and Fairly Legal

Friday - Supernatural, Smallvile and Fringe

Sunday - Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters

Yes. I know the many intricate plot lines of every soap opera, reality show, drama and comedy on that list. I also have summer off season shows that come into play at some point and shows that are off the air, including Friday Night Lights, that I own on dvd and watch in its entirety on occasion when I get bored. This is a problem.

But it is one that I am not willing to change. I love every show that I watch. I hold no shame in any choice I make because each show has it's own charm or entertainment value whether it's an inspiring show about family or dirty trash.

Now that you know my problem, I hope you understand and will accept the rate at which I watch these movies. I will definitely do my best. I will never stop because I truly want to finish this list and become, what I believe, is a true movie master. Trust me followers, what few there are haha

Now I must go, I have 40 minutes until my next class starts and that's just enough time to watch the new Glee from last night.


1 comment:

  1. Hey I now watch most of these shows too! Being your friend is dangerous I suppose. :)

