Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Hey guys!

My name is Meredith and I'm creating this blog not only as an outlet for myself but also as an outlet to share a project that I'm about to work on.

The movie Julie and Julia inspired me to create a blog about my experience watching movies. That sounds boring, I know this, but I'm not selecting random movies. THERE IS A METHOD TO MY MADNESS!! I am watching movies from a specific book. That book is 1001 Movies to See Before You Die by Steven Jay Schneider.

I got this book from by parents for Christmas (not a bad cover choice huh?) and while I assumed it would sit on my coffee table at school, I decided to actually make it more active. So starting now, I am going to pick movies, even ones I've seen before, and watch them until I've seen every movie in this book. This edition was published in 2008, so my list is not as current as a newer edition probably including Avatar, but I will take any suggestions to watch under consideration!!

Here's a link to the list that's in the book, if you want to pick your favorites or follow along or whatever!

That's all for now. I will begin posting about movies as soon as I finish my first choice! There will be no year of release or alphabetical order, so prepare for some interesting jumps in time and genre.


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